EXPLORER of notes

EXPLORER of notes
Doublesided photo print on aluminium in acrylic box with engravings.
Sizes from: 40 x 35 x 50 cm 


The explorer of notes is a work in progress that began during the suffocating grip of the pandemic. To conjure works out of futility and despair, accept that everything is on pause. To release the anxiety in a way that memories
of this special time stays visible and present.

A photograph can hold time, turn a fleeing moment into a memory when found years later in a stored away box. To bend, pry, fold and crumble up sheets of paper in agony and despair suddenly gave a new starting point for how to show our photoworks in conjunction with the engravings on the acrylic glasses. Container of memories, frozen moments that holds time when you step inside.

EXPLORER of notes
Doublesided photo print on aluminium in acrylic box with engravings.
Sizing from: 40 x 35 x 50 cm 


The explorer of notes is a work in progress that began during the suffocating grip of the pandemic. To conjure works out of futility and despair, accept that everything is on pause. To release the anxiety in a way that memories of this special time stays visible and present.

A photograph can hold time, turn a fleeing moment into a memory when found years later in a stored away box. To bend, pry, fold and crumble up sheets of paper in agony and despair suddenly gave a new starting point for how to show our photoworks in conjunction with the engravings on the acrylic glasses. Container of memories, frozen moments that holds time when you step inside.