
Robo-like species, cardboard boxes, video-loops with sound, moving shadows & lightboxes
Size of Robo: 210 x 100 x 100cm (and smaller)
Size of Boxes: 36 x 60 x 45cm 
Installation size: varies from place to place
The existence of other beings or life forms beyond what we can see with our eyes has been the subject of human curiosity and speculation for centuries. Ancient cultures have had their own myths and beliefs about the supernatural that exists beyond the visible.

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is an ongoing scientific effort to detect signals or signs of intelligent life beyond our planet Tellus. Although we have yet to find any real evidence, the possibility remains and research continues to be a high priority area, while mediums and shamans tel us about worlds beyond our material existence.


Robo-like species, cardboard boxes, video-loops with sound, moving shadows & lightboxes
Size of Robo: 210 x 100 x 100cm (and smaller)
Size of Boxes: 36 x 60 x 45cm 
Installation size: varies from place to place
The existence of other beings or life forms beyond what we can see with our eyes has been the subject of human curiosity and speculation for centuries. Ancient cultures have had their own myths and beliefs about the supernatural that exists beyond the visible.

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is an ongoing scientific effort to detect signals or signs of intelligent life beyond our planet Tellus. Although we have yet to find any real evidence, the possibility remains and research continues to be a high priority area, while mediums and shamans tel us about worlds beyond our material existence.