Playful Thingamabob

Playful Thingamabob
Playing with elements of the “everyday” in a paradox that works humorously, making the logical context disappear. The observation of an infinite motion allows the audience to relax and enter a state of mind that lets our

The main piece is a funicular, where silhouette cutouts are gently buncing back and forth in an endless circuite. Waste materials, like bicycle wheels, metal trash, wire, wood, rubber tubes and sand paper, are recycled in a low-tech rail that sings a beautiful symphony of mechanical sounds, that carries across situations and objects of everyday life: TV-series, news, fixing the car, combing one’s hair, up-loading on the Internet, fixing a plumbing issue or cutting a slice of cheese.

The movement of each piece is like a cloud in space. Two large grasshopper guard each side of the funicular. They are not only sculptures that glow in the night, they are also functional chairs that invite the spectators to lean back and engage in a world of endless possibilities that tour before their eyes.

As the title tells us “playful thingamabob” is a play-ground for thoughts. It is nothing to be excited about. Here, visitors access a space that seems to have been intuitively equipped with tools for playing and challenging perceptions of the trivial; a space that Aguirre & Jonnson call “a chance operation”.